- radionuclidic purity
- радіонуклідна чистота
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
purity — The state of being pure, free from contaminants or pollutants. [L. puritas, fr. purus, clean, undefiled] radiochemical p. the proportion of the total activity of a specific radionuclide in a specific chemical or biological form. radioisotopic p.… … Medical dictionary
Iodine-125 — (125I) is a radioisotope of iodine which has uses in biological assays and in radiation therapy to treat prostate cancer and brain tumors. Its half life is around 60 days and it emits gamma rays with maximum energies of 35 keV, some of which are… … Wikipedia
Sodium pertechnetate — IUPAC name Sodium technetate(VII) … Wikipedia